
Red Dawn – Camera Mapping In Vue

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

camera mapping in vue 8

It’s been quite a while since my last try in animating a painting of mine. While the older tries were quite respectable i really wanted to push it this time. I read, heard and saw a lot about camera mapping and its theory. Now Vue has the ability to do camera mapping (also called camera projection) too. This allows you to lay a painting on a geometry and allows you to create limited camera moves with nice perspective shifts. Depending on how much work you spend on it. I surely spend a lot for this one.

camera mapping in vue 8

I worked on this project for almost 2 months. Not on and off though. Partly because the rendering out the different elements took ages. Especially the volumetric things like fog and clouds. And these were rendered on very low quality settings. Since motion blur is smoothing out certain things it was not too important to render the volumetrics in unnecessary details. While the rendering of the projected painting took 6hrs for 511 in 1080p frames, the fog pass took about 12-15hrs for 511 frames. And i didn’t render it once. I had a lot of testrenders for each of the passes. Now i can roughly estimate how much CPU power a big VFX studio must have.

camera mapping in vue 8

I chose my Red Dawn painting because in the painting i didn’t change much of the actual Vue render. So the geometry in the Vue file still fitted the painting nicely. I removed the forground element though since it wasn’t a good addition to the camera move i had in mind. I already had an animation project in mind when i did the painting. Now i had the right ambition and time.

camera mapping in vue 8

A lot of postwork got also done in After Effects. Especially the stitching of the different elements. The blending of the render passes. Vue is able to render out the animations in uncompressed avi format. That means for 511 frames in 1080p it resulted in a 3gb file. Unfortunately the files were corrupted and not to open by any player. I reopened these files in VirtualDub, which was able to read the files, and saved them through VDub as avi again. That made the files recognizable for all players and After Effects. I don’t know what was going on but as soon as the animation video file reached 1gb, it made them uneadable. Maybe some avi internal limitation thingie from ancient times. I have no idea.

camera mapping in vue 8

Ultimately i must admit that i’m not 100% happy with the end result. But that’s because of technical and time issues. You could work forever on stuff like that. Nonetheless it is a nice step forward in comparison to my earlier tries.

Hope you guys enjoy this shorty. For me it’s always a special thing to see an animation of one of my paintings. It’s like bringing these static pintings to live. That’s a cool thing!

Download – 720p Quicktime – 160mb

Download – 540p Quicktime – 80mb

Online – Vimeo (HD)

Online – Youtube (HD)

Thanks for your attention.



Windows 7 Themepack Update

Saturday, February 13th, 2010 newsIt’s time to make downloading of wallpapers even more comfortable than it already was! The future! New alternatives! New hopes! New dreams! Alright… enough advertising phrases for now. Windows 7 has that one unique feature that allows you do create your own Wallpaper Packs! People can download and doubleclick these and *kaboom* Windows automatically applies the pack and its settings! I really dig that. That’s why i decided to create some packs for selected artworks in my gallery from time to time. All at once would be boring right? ;) However. In these packs i try to cover all possible standard resolutions. So it’s surely worth a look. I thought that Fractal and Abstract pictures, which work magnificient as wallpapers, are the perfect start for this collection. For now you can find Themepacks for the following pieces:

windows 7 themepack

Windows 7 ‘HRT‘ Theme Pack

windows 7 themepack

Windows 7 ‘Synchrotone‘ Theme Pack

windows 7 themepack

Windows 7 ‘Solitude In Chaos‘ Theme Pack

windows 7 themepack

Windows 7 ‘Where Is My Mind‘ Theme Pack

windows 7 themepack

Windows 7 ‘Hades – Valiant‘ Theme Pack

All pictures in this Theme Pack are copyrighted by and may not used or reproduced without permission. Thank you very much.

I hope you like it. Stay Tuned for more! Thank you.



DIGITALPhoto & Digital Artist Workshops

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

DIGITALPhoto Photoshop - 02/2010

DIGITALPhoto Photoshop hat mich eingeladen einen Digital Matte Painting Workshop zu verfassen für die ausgabe 02/2010. Das magazin erscheint alle zwei monate und ist randvoll mit nützlichen tips zum thema bildbearbeitung. Das bild welches ich zu diesem workshop erstellt habe kann man sich hier mal ansehen. City View war anfangs nur eine inspiration zu einem bild von Kai Bellmann, einem freund der vor kurzem in Vietnam unterwegs war. Dort hat er einige sehr schöne fotos machen können. Unteranderem eben auch diese strasse. Glücklicherweise hat das magazin angeklopft und ich hatte die perfekte gelegenheit etwas mit diesem foto anzustellen. Dabei habe ich versucht dem leser ein paar meiner techniken im feld Digital Matte Painting näher zu bringen.

Vielen Dank an DIGITALPhoto für diese möglichkeit.

Schaut mal rein. Es ist durchaus einen blick wert!

DigitalArtist - Issue 03

Digital Artist is still a very young magazine that comes from the same publisher like the Advanced Photoshop Magazine. The Digital Artist Magazine focusses on a more wider spectrum of tools though and gives you the chance to explore a wider spectrum of artists. In case of the workshops it shows you how to combine different tools in one artwork and how to seamlessly combine the various elements the different tools give you. In my case i got invited to write a workshop about extending photos. In that particular case i took some Digital Matte Painting techniques to get things done. I took a fairly boring snapshot i took in Berlin and added a sort of futuristic skyline to it. Nothing too exciting too but sexy enough to get the techniques explained. Ultimately i really like the result. Looks cool. Check it out!

Thanks to Jo Cole for the great support.




Saturday, February 6th, 2010


The Digital Artist Magazine invited me to write a workshop about extending photos. I decided to go for Digital Matte Painting techniques and searched my archive for a good plate. I found a nice photo i took in Berlin and it turned out to be a great plate. All the other materials were from my archive too. A lot of buildings from the Frankfurt skyline. Not many skylines here in germany though. Nonetheless i tried myself on manipulating what i had, to make it look different to what i already had in the picture. In the workshop i tried to explain parts of the work process and how to push a boring photo to something more interesting looking. It was fun to do.

A creation progress viz: here

I really dig the result here!

Check this article for the magazine.




Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010


This is the result of a workshop i wrote for the german ‘DigitalPHOTO Photoshop’ magazine, issue 02/10. The goal was to create a Digital Matte Painting and to explain the various steps that lead to the final product. For the picture i had a really nice plate from a good friend, Kai Bellmann, who recently visited Vietnam. He captured that nice street view and i really wanted to do something with it. Luckily the magazine came knocking on my door and i had the perfect opportunity to create something. Everything done with Photoshop. No Vue this time. I dig the result and it was something different from the things i usually do. I should do more into that direction.

For all german visitors… the magazine is now available and also includes a character painting workshop from my buddy Gary Tonge. A side by side workshop with Gary… never thought that could happen. :)

Plate: here

Hope you like it as much as i do!

3500px high – photoshop – intuos3




Monday, January 18th, 2010


How could a city look like in 500 years from now?

This one resulted from a commission that did not work out as expected. I didn’t want to scrap the picture i did and wanted to use it for a personal project. I decided to create a panorama from it. Which wasn’t an easy task since the original format was portrait, intended for a book.

Technically i took the vue base file and heavily extended it to the left. The Vue file had a few hundred mb in the end. I also did tons of testrenders for it. Even full size and full quality. So there are surely 40hrs work in the setup of the scene alone. 8hrs actual work and the rest render time. 8000px wide can take a while to finish.

Then, of course, i took it into Photoshop. It was never an intention to work photorealistic. So what i did was to get me textures and slam them across the picture. That’s the fun part. the work part was it then to manipulate and adjust these textures to make them fit. Vue’s multipass rendering also allowed me to add new elements to the pic. Even if i already was completely in the Photoshopping stage. Quite some elements on the left side of the pic got added rather late in the making process. Again a lot of work that i had to do because i wasn’t entirely happy with certain parts. And there goes the time.

8700px wide – Photoshop – Vue – intuos3

That said… i hope you guys enjoy the Wallpaper Pack. 5 different versions of the scene in 1680×1050. Have fun with it!


wallpapers available

windows 7 themepack
Windows 7 ‘2510’ Theme Pack -> Here – Just download and doubleclick to install – if you have any additional questions… just let me know! It’s the first time i try this.

All pictures in this Theme Pack are copyrighted by and may not used or reproduced without permission. Thank you very much.


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

xmas 2009

Hey Folks,

i wish you guys a merry christmas and a very happy new year! I hope your 2010 will be one of the best years! Keep it up and thanks a lot for all your support through 2009! Hope to see you again next year!



Workshop For Adv. Photoshop Deutschland

Friday, December 18th, 2009

advanced photoshop uk - issue 60

Für die 60. ausgabe des englischen magazins habe ich einen workshop zu ‘Artificial’ schreiben dürfen. Dieser artikel ist nun auch in der deutschen ausgabe des Advanced Photoshop Magazine erhältlich. Darin wird erklärt wie man mit Terragen eine gute vorlage zu weiterführenden arbeiten in Photoshop erstellen kann. Wie man eine richtig coole szene erstellen kann. Auf der disc zum heft kann man zudem nachsehen wie die Photoshop datei aufgebaut ist. Ein vorteil an diesem projekt war das man es ohne grafiktablett möglich ist. Das bild ist von 2005 und damals habe selbst ich noch ohne tablet gearbeitet. Also auch für einsteiger interessant. Soviel mal hierzu… :)

Schaut mal rein. Es ist durchaus einen blick wert!



Concept Art Update #4

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

concept art

And again it’s been a while with concept art gallery additions. This time i added 7 new pics. Ships, stations, scenes and speeders. I’m also thinking about redoing this gallery. It looks a bit clunky right now. On the other hand i don’t have too much time recently. We’ll see! :) For now i hope you can find some more inspiration in that gallery.




Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 newsEvery once in a while it’s good to change something. After some thought process i decided to go for a new logo. I really like the circles, what they presented and how they looked. That logo followed me for quite a while – 6 or 7 years or so. Now for my concept drawing stuff i had this much more aggressive, almost tribal like, logo design in the pictures. It was the result of playing around with Vue and vectors. Now i always thought it represents the whole idea of my doings a bit better. It has a better connection to the name ‘Tigaer’ and just looks modern and slick. Now ‘The Eye’ logo is the new kid in town and i’m sure it will follow me for the next couple of years. To new worlds and beyond!!! To boldly go where no pixel has gone before. ;p

