DIGITALPhoto & Digital Artist Workshops
DIGITALPhoto Photoshop hat mich eingeladen einen Digital Matte Painting Workshop zu verfassen für die ausgabe 02/2010. Das magazin erscheint alle zwei monate und ist randvoll mit nützlichen tips zum thema bildbearbeitung. Das bild welches ich zu diesem workshop erstellt habe kann man sich hier mal ansehen. City View war anfangs nur eine inspiration zu einem bild von Kai Bellmann, einem freund der vor kurzem in Vietnam unterwegs war. Dort hat er einige sehr schöne fotos machen können. Unteranderem eben auch diese strasse. Glücklicherweise hat das magazin angeklopft und ich hatte die perfekte gelegenheit etwas mit diesem foto anzustellen. Dabei habe ich versucht dem leser ein paar meiner techniken im feld Digital Matte Painting näher zu bringen.
Vielen Dank an DIGITALPhoto für diese möglichkeit.
Schaut mal rein. Es ist durchaus einen blick wert!
Digital Artist is still a very young magazine that comes from the same publisher like the Advanced Photoshop Magazine. The Digital Artist Magazine focusses on a more wider spectrum of tools though and gives you the chance to explore a wider spectrum of artists. In case of the workshops it shows you how to combine different tools in one artwork and how to seamlessly combine the various elements the different tools give you. In my case i got invited to write a workshop about extending photos. In that particular case i took some Digital Matte Painting techniques to get things done. I took a fairly boring snapshot i took in Berlin and added a sort of futuristic skyline to it. Nothing too exciting too but sexy enough to get the techniques explained. Ultimately i really like the result. Looks cool. Check it out!
Thanks to Jo Cole for the great support.
February 9th, 2010 at 01:56
Congratulations on nailing those pages Tigaer. Even though its still a young magazine it could definitely grow and become bigger with time. Your becoming pretty famous with all your magazine spreads. :)
February 9th, 2010 at 02:20
hey, thanks a lot sir. :) ah i would say that’s a bit overrated but still… i try to take all exposure i can get. and i’m thankful for every chance the people give me. :)