Dance With Me

Dance With Me

A rather old companion piece to my Calista Square artwork. Decided to have a little more fun with the scene I’ve put together since a lot of work went into creating the scene. So basically a just for fun little thing. Two flyers having fun and performing kind of a dance in the sky. If I would live in that world and own an air/spacecraft like this… I would enjoy the hell out of it.

6500×3306 – Vue – Photoshop – Lightroom

The artwork on:

wallpapers available



2 Responses to “Dance With Me”

  1. Zach Says:

    I don’t even remember how I originally found you or this website but it’s been over a year now and I came back to find some good art. Oh man did I not remember how good you are.

  2. Tigaer Says:

    Neat! Glad you enjoy the work. =) I hope it brings a little escapism in times like these.

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