Sabrina Summer Shoot #1
Sabrina Summer Shoot #1
I wanted to try myself on more serious Photography for a long while now and finally mustered up the courage to challenge myself this year. I contacted that lady in the pics up there, told her I’m a total noob and that I would love to try it. I found her on a model page on Facebook. Fortunately she was very open and had no problem working with a beginner. Well, I certainly knew/know how to work with a camera but haven’t tried it in a ‘Photoshoot’ context before. She was able to give me some valuable advice and together we managed to get some neat results! I’m quite happy with how the pics turned out. Is there room for improvement? Sure, there always is. But for a first run we both were happy enough I think. Not just a productive shoot but also one of these pretty much perfect sunny summer days you love to remember and keep in your memories.
Model: Sabrina Kreiner
Equipment used: Canon Eos 5D Mark 2 – Canon 75-300mm – Photoshop – Lightroom