Archive for the 'Publications' Category

Digital Art Live Webinar

Friday, October 9th, 2015

Digital Art Live Webinar

On Saturday, the 17th this October, I’ll be part of a webinar held by Digital Art Live magazine’s Paul Bussey. It’s my first time doing an event like this one, so I’m excited to see how it works. I also hope it will be entertaining for the people that decide to show up! The topics are as follows:

• Science fiction movie design influences in architecture
• The impact of the futurist designer Syd Mead
• The commanding cityscape images of Christian Hecker plus Q&A
• The stunning interior artwork of Tarik Keskin plus Q&A

Start Time: 20:00 BST (London)/21:00 GMT (Berlin)/12:00 PDT (Los Angeles)/15:00 EDT (New York) – The duration is estimated to 1.5 to 2hrs.

This webinar will be free. If you are interested in having the recorded HD material ofthe event you can buy it for $25.

Digital Art Live Webinar: Website



Making Of GalCiv3 Art

Tuesday, July 21st, 2015 news

Here we go with a lengthy article I wrote about how I approached creating the seven artworks I did for Galactic Civiziations 3. It’s includes concepts, render plates, render passes and insight into the techniques I used. Hope it inspires and may even teach you some things! Feel free to check it out here on Behance.


The Eternals – Making Of On Behance

Friday, June 26th, 2015

The Eternals - Project Compendium On Behance

Here we go with some time I invested to write a little bit about the creative process behind my “The Eternals” artwork. It includes a lot of testrenders, how the project progressed and descriptions about the overall process. I also included a couple of testrenders that show a different perspective on the scene. Good Stuff!

The Eternals – Project Compendium On Behance & My Gallery On Behance


Luminarium Exhibit #26

Monday, June 8th, 2015

The Luminarium Exhibit #26

Here we go with the 26th Exhibit of The Luminarium Artgroup. “Depth” was the topic this time and the interpretation of it amongst the artists in the collective spawned some nice ideas. There are a couple of pieces in there that really make me proud to be a part of it. The Exhibit features some of the best digital art that’s currently on the internet. There is digital art, digital painting, 3d, 2d, photography and music! Congrats to everyone involved! Fantastic work!

Artworks from all kinds of different fields of expertise, surely are a nice source for inspiration! So be sure to check it out – Depth.

The Luminarium: WebsiteDeviantartBehance



Spectrum 21 Feature

Friday, May 8th, 2015

Spectrum 21

Here we have a book of extraordinary quality. And by that I don’t mean the presentation and quality paper. It’s more about the diversity and quality of art that is included in this fine publication. It contains all kinds of artistic fields and artists that define the visual media of today. No matter if games, movies or entertainment in general. No wonder that other editions of the book were nominated for a Hugo award. Quite amazing. This book actually would not even be on my radar if it weren’t for Lauren Panepinto at Orbit Books. Quite a while ago they used my ‘Phoenix Rising‘ piece for the cover of a Simon Morden scifi book. Lauren seemed to really like my picture and submitted it (as well as works by other artists) to the Spectrum folks. With a little luck my picture made it into the book. That was a great surprise. So a couple of weeks ago I received my copy of the book and want to show you some bits and pieces.

And my ‘Phoenix Rising‘ on page 52.

Find the book here – Spectrum 21



Gothic Dreams – Dystopia

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Gothic Dreams - Dystopia

Here we go with two pics from my artwork catalogue have been featured in the recent book release “Gothic Dreams – Dystopia” by Flametree Publishing. It’s a really cool book that gives young folks the perfect introduction into the field of dystopian scifi stories. May it be books, tv productions or movies. Everything illustrated by some really good work by fellow artists from around the world. I even recognized a couple of the artworks. The book’s price is really affordable and what you’ll get is a book that’s printed on some nice thick quality paper that perfectly serves the artwork it presents.

Find the book here – Gothic Dreams – Dystopia

The featured pieces are: Epica & The Moebius Passage



Luminarium Exhibit #25

Monday, January 26th, 2015

The Luminarium Exhibit #25

Here we go with the 25th Exhibit of The Luminarium Artgroup. “Silver” was the topic this time and the interpretation of it amongst the artists in the collective spawned some nice discussions. That didn’t make the inclusion voting easy but still very interesting! Again the Exhibit features some of the best digital art that’s currently on the internet. There is digital art, digital painting, 3d, 2d, photography and music! Congrats to everyone involved!

All of the works, from all kinds of different fields of expertise, surely are a nice source for inspiration! So be sure to check it out – Silver.

The Luminarium: WebsiteDeviantartShadownessBehance



Scifi & Fantasy Calendar 2015

Friday, October 31st, 2014

Scifi & Fantasy Calendar 2015

It’s this time of the year again! Yet again this years calendar contains pics that are new and pics that are personal favourites/classics. Some even featured in magazines or books from AROUND THE GLOBE! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. I’m sure all of these pics will be a nice companion to your (hopefully) glorious and successful year 2015!

For More Info
Click Here
Scifi & Fantasy Calendar 2015



Luminarium Exhibit #24

Monday, October 6th, 2014

The Luminarium Exhibit #25

They did it and here it is! The 24th Exhibit of The Luminarium Artgroup: Illuminate VI. It features some of the best digital art that’s currently on the internet. This time there was no specific topic and they all burned down a firework of creative sparks. There is digital art, digital painting, 3d, 2d, photography and music! As a sidenote there is also a neat interview with me online. Congrats to everyone involved! Check it out for a neat inspiration overload!

All of the works, from all kinds of different fields of expertise, surely are a nice source for inspiration! So be sure to check it out -> Illuminate VI along with that nifty interview!

The Luminarium: WebsiteDeviantartShadowness



Adobe Master Class Book Feature

Saturday, September 6th, 2014

Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Photoshop

Recently “Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Photoshop” written by Bret Malley was released and is now available. In the book he very thouroughly explains various Photoshop techniques to achieve and realize all kinds of visual ideas. The book itself comes in very nice shape, printed on very good paper and an easy to follow layout. Now what role do I play? Well, not a too big one but still something I’m sorta proud of. Beside great artists like Andree Wallin, I’m featured in the Ebook version of the book that can be bought separately or downloaded if you already own a print book version. The cool thing about the Ebook version is that it comes with a bonus chapter about Scifi!

Right now there is also a Discount/Promo code available if you buy a copy via the Peachpit site. The Promocode is: AMC2014

Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Photoshop on Peachpit: here

Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Photoshop on Amazon: here

