A New Threat

A New Threat

“Many Bothans died to bring us this information”.

If you grew up with the original trilogy then this sentence may have spawned a whole movie on its own in your head. =D

Well, I guess you can call this piece ‘Fanart’. To celebrate Rogue One I wanted to try myself on something that has its roots in one of the biggest franchises ever created. Instead of going the obvious route and create something that fits the new movie, I wanted to create a fictional scene you could imagine maybe happening between Episode 5 and 6. Two rebel agents spying out the still under construction Shield Generator that protects the second Death Star.

I started this scene quite some time ago and figured it would be worth the wait and release it when Rogue One is out. After having it at a ‘pretty much done’ stage for a while, I even went back and fixed quite a few elements and invested some extra time to make it look more passable in certain areas. Mainly tree stuffs. As always there are parts I’m not entirely happy with but overall I think it works.

The scene was created with a variety of tools. Mainly Vue to arrange and compose the scene. Sculptris was used to create a ground foundation. The Plant Factory was used for the trees. Thanks to Aron Kamolz for some tips there. Photoshop was used to overpaint, fix and add details. Last but not least I used Lightroom to find the right mood for the colours.

Vue – Sculptris – Worldmachine – The Plant Factory – Photoshop – Lightroom – 6571×3000

The Star Destroyer, Speedbikes and Shield Generator models are from Scifi3d.com.

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