Assassin’s Cradle by Rupert Pollard

Assassin's Cradle

A couple of weeks ago I made a cover for self publishing writer Rupert Pollard. Nothing groundbreaking when it comes to the picture but it fits the authors idea and what he had in mind. He sent me a copy, which you can see in the photo, and it looks really good. I haven’t read the book yet but definitely plan to do so.

Here a short description: “In the future, galaxy-spanning conglomerates use subterfuge and treachery in a never-ending struggle for domination. Idries Tanarra, a naïve and overconfident operative, must build a network of allies to help him overthrow the malignant government of Ganoten, but he didn’t expect to fall in love, an operative’s fatal flaw. As he closes in on a solution, allies turn into deadly enemies, and competing forces seek to take advantage of the opportunity he creates. Can he navigate the perilous politics of espionage? Can he divine friend from foe when the stakes are survival? Will his decisions be his undoing or can he escape his predicament to take the ultimate step out of the assassin’s cradle?”

Rupert Pollard on Facebook: here

Assassin’s Cradle on Amazon: here



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